



JavaScript 陣列文字值可用於建立元組和陣列類型

1const arr: Array<number> = [1, 2, 3]; // As an array type2const tup: [number, number, number] = [1, 2, 3]; // As a tuple type

在 Flow 中,你可以使用 [type1, type2, type3] 語法建立元組類型

1const tuple1: [number] = [1];2const tuple2: [number, boolean] = [1, true];3const tuple3: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];


1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3const num: number = tuple[0]; // Works!4const bool: boolean = tuple[1]; // Works!5const str: string  = tuple[2]; // Works!


1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3const none = tuple[3]; // Error!
3:14-3:21: Cannot get `tuple[3]` because tuple type [1] only has 3 elements, so index 3 is out of bounds. [invalid-tuple-index]

如果 Flow 不知道您嘗試存取哪個索引,它將傳回所有可能的類型

1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3function getItem(n: number) {4  const val: number | boolean | string = tuple[n];5  // ...6}


1const tuple: [number, boolean, string] = [1, true, "three"];2
3tuple[0] = 2;     // Works!4tuple[1] = false; // Works!5tuple[2] = "foo"; // Works!6
7tuple[0] = "bar"; // Error!
8tuple[1] = 42; // Error!
9tuple[2] = false; // Error!
7:12-7:16: Cannot assign `"bar"` to `tuple[0]` because string [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-type]
8:12-8:13: Cannot assign `42` to `tuple[1]` because number [1] is incompatible with boolean [2]. [incompatible-type]
9:12-9:16: Cannot assign `false` to `tuple[2]` because boolean [1] is incompatible with string [2]. [incompatible-type]


元組的長度稱為「元」。元組的長度在 Flow 中受到嚴格執行。


1const tuple1: [number, boolean] = [1, true];2
3const tuple2: [number, boolean, void] = tuple1; // Error!
3:41-3:46: Cannot assign `tuple1` to `tuple2` because tuple type [1] has 2 elements but tuple type [2] has 3 elements. [invalid-tuple-arity]


1const tuple1: [number, boolean, void] = [1, true, undefined];2
3const tuple2: [number, boolean] = tuple1; // Error!
3:35-3:40: Cannot assign `tuple1` to `tuple2` because tuple type [1] has 3 elements but tuple type [2] has 2 elements. [invalid-tuple-arity]



由於 Flow 不知道陣列的長度,因此無法將 Array<T> 類型傳遞到元組中

1const array: Array<number> = [1, 2];2
3const tuple: [number, number] = array; // Error!
3:33-3:37: Cannot assign `array` to `tuple` because array type [1] has an unknown number of elements, so is incompatible with tuple type [2]. [invalid-tuple-arity]

元組類型也不能傳遞到 Array<T> 類型中,因為這樣一來您就可以不安全地變更元組(例如,將第三個項目 push 到元組中)

1const tuple: [number, number] = [1, 2];2
3const array: Array<number> = tuple; // Error!
3:30-3:34: Cannot assign `tuple` to `array` because tuple type [1] is incompatible with array type [2]. [incompatible-type]

不過,您可以將其傳遞到 $ReadOnlyArray 類型中,因為不允許變更

1const tuple: [number, number] = [1, 2];2
3const array: $ReadOnlyArray<number> = tuple; // Works!


您不能使用會變更元組的 Array.prototype 方法,只能使用不會變更元組的方法

1const tuple: [number, number] = [1, 2];2tuple.join(', '); // Works!3
4tuple.push(3); // Error!
4:7-4:10: Cannot call `tuple.push` because property `push` is missing in `$ReadOnlyArray` [1]. [prop-missing]


您可以根據長度精煉元組的 聯集

1type Union = [number, string] | [boolean];2function f(x: Union) {3  if (x.length === 2) {4    // `x` is `[number, string]`5    const n: number = x[0]; // OK6    const s: string = x[1]; // OK7  } else {8    // `x` is `[boolean]`9    const b: boolean = x[0];10  }11}




1type Range = [x: number, y: number];




1type T = [+foo: number, -bar: string];


1function f(readOnlyTuple: [+foo: number, +bar: string]) {2  const n: number = readOnlyTuple[0]; // OK to read3  readOnlyTuple[1] = 1; // ERROR! Cannot write
3:3-3:18: Cannot assign `1` to `readOnlyTuple[1]` because tuple element at index `1` [1] labeled `bar` is not writable. [cannot-write]
3:22-3:22: Cannot assign `1` to `readOnlyTuple[1]` because number [1] is incompatible with string [2]. [incompatible-type]


1type T = $ReadOnly<[number, string]>; // Same as `[+a: number, +b: string]`



1type T = [foo: number, bar?: string];2[1, "s"] as T; // OK: has all elements3[1] as T; // OK: skipping optional element

您不能寫入undefined到選擇性元素 - 如果您想這樣做,請新增| void到元素類型

1type T = [foo?: number, bar?: number | void];2declare const x: T;3x[0] = undefined; // ERROR
4[undefined] as T; // ERROR
5 6x[1] = undefined; // OK: we've added `| void` to the element type
3:8-3:16: Cannot assign `undefined` to `x[0]` because you cannot assign undefined [1] to optional tuple element [2] (to do so, add `| void` to the tuple element type). [incompatible-type]
4:2-4:10: Cannot cast array literal to `T` because you cannot assign undefined [1] to optional tuple element [2] (to do so, add `| void` to the tuple element type) in index 0. [incompatible-cast]


1type AllRequired = [number, string];2[] as Partial<AllRequired>; // OK: like `[a?: number, b?: string]` now3
4type AllOptional = [a?: number, b?: string];5[] as Required<AllOptional>; // ERROR: like `[a: number, b: string]` now
5:1-5:2: Cannot cast array literal to required of `AllOptional` because empty array literal [1] has 0 elements but `AllOptional` [2] has 2 elements. [invalid-tuple-arity]

具有選擇性元素的元組具有範圍而不是單一數字的元數(長度)。例如,[number, b?: string]的長度為 1-2。



1type A = [number, string];2type T = [...A, boolean]; // Same as `[number, string, boolean]`3[1, "s", true] as T; // OK


在值層級,如果您將具有選擇性元素的元組展開到陣列文字,那麼您不能在展開後有任何東西並保留陣列值的元組檢視。這是因為具有選擇性元素的元組具有範圍的長度,因此我們不知道後續值會在哪個索引。您仍然可以將此值輸入為適當的Array<T>類型 - 只有值的元組檢視會受到影響。

1const a: [foo?: 1] = [];2const b = [0, ...a, 2]; // At runtime this is `[0, 2]`3b as [0, 1 | void, 2]; // ERROR
4b as Array<number | void>; // OK5 6const c: [0, foo?: 1] = [0];7const d: [bar?: 2] = [2];8const e = [...c, ...d]; // At runtime this is `[0, 2]`9e as [0, foo?: 1, bar?: 2]; // ERROR
10e as Array<number | void>; // OK
3:1-3:1: Cannot cast `b` to tuple type because array literal [1] has an unknown number of elements, so is incompatible with tuple type [2]. [invalid-tuple-arity]
9:1-9:1: Cannot cast `e` to tuple type because array literal [1] has an unknown number of elements, so is incompatible with tuple type [2]. [invalid-tuple-arity]

