Flow 提供一組工具類型,用於操作其他類型以建立新的類型。
1const countries = {2 US: "United States",3 IT: "Italy",4 FR: "France"5};6
7type Country = $Keys<typeof countries>;8
9const italy: Country = 'IT'; // Works10const nope: Country = 'nope'; // Error!
10:23-10:28: Cannot assign `'nope'` to `nope` because property `nope` is missing in object literal [1]. [prop-missing]
的類型等同於 type Country = 'US' | 'IT' | 'FR'
,但 Flow 能夠從 countries
如果您想要建立列舉類型,Flow 列舉 可能更適合您的使用案例。
代表 物件類型 中所有可列舉屬性的值類型的聯集類型
1type Props = {2 name: string,3 age: number,4};5
6// The following two types are equivalent:7type PropValues = string | number;8type Prop$Values = $Values<Props>;9
10const name: Prop$Values = 'Jon'; // Works11const age: Prop$Values = 42; // Works12const fn: Prop$Values = true; // Error!
12:25-12:28: Cannot assign `true` to `fn` because: [incompatible-type] Either boolean [1] is incompatible with string [2]. Or boolean [1] is incompatible with number [3].
請注意,在物件文字的 typeof
上使用 $Values
1const obj = {2 foo: 1,3 bar: 2,4};5
6function acceptsValues(x: $Values<typeof obj>) { /* ... */ }7
8acceptsValues(1); // Works9acceptsValues(3); // Works, because the type was interpreted as `number`.
如果您在物件文字表達式上使用 Object.freeze
1const obj = Object.freeze({2 foo: 1,3 bar: 2,4});5
6function acceptsValues(x: $Values<typeof obj>) { /* ... */ }7
8acceptsValues(1); // Works9acceptsValues(3); // Error! Because the type was interpreted as `1 | 2`.
9:15-9:15: Cannot call `acceptsValues` with `3` bound to `x` because number [1] is incompatible with literal union [2]. [incompatible-call]
如果您想要建立列舉類型,Flow 列舉 可能更適合您的使用案例。
是一個類型,代表給定 物件類型 或 元組類型 T
的唯讀版本(元組支援適用於 Flow ≥0.212)。唯讀物件類型是一個物件類型,其所有金鑰都是 唯讀 的。類似地,唯讀元組是一個每個元素都是 唯讀 的元組。
1type ReadOnlyObj = {2 +key: number, // read-only field, marked by the `+` annotation3};4type ReadOnlyTuple = [+foo: number];
1type ReadOnlyObj = $ReadOnly<{2 key: number,3}>;4type ReadOnlyTuple = $ReadOnly<[number]>;
1type Props = {2 name: string,3 age: number,4};5
6type ReadOnlyProps = $ReadOnly<Props>;7
8function render(props: ReadOnlyProps) {9 const {name, age} = props; // Works10 props.age = 42; // Error! 11}
10:9-10:11: Cannot assign `42` to `props.age` because property `age` is not writable. [cannot-write]
此外,其他公用程式類型(例如 $ObjMap<T>
)可能會移除任何讀寫註解,因此 $ReadOnly<T>
1type Obj = {2 +key: number,3};4
5type MappedObj = $ReadOnly<$ObjMap<Obj, <T>(T) => Array<T>>> // Still read-only
Map<K, V>
->$ReadOnlyMap<K, V>
WeakMap<K, V>
->$ReadOnlyWeakMap<K, V>
此公用程式會將物件或介面的所有命名欄位轉換為選用欄位,同時保留物件的所有其他屬性(例如精確性、變異性)。請使用此公用程式,而不是 $Shape
自 Flow ≥0.212 以來,它也會將元組類型的所有元素轉換為 選用 元素。
1type Person = {2 name: string,3 age: number,4};5type PartialPerson = Partial<Person>;6// Above equivalent to `{name?: string, age?: number}`7
8const a: PartialPerson = {}; // OK9const b: PartialPerson = {name: 'George'}; // OK10const c: PartialPerson = {name: 'George', age: 123}; // OK11
12c as Person; // ERROR: `PersonDetails` is not a `Person` (unlike with `$Shape`)
12:1-12:1: Cannot cast `c` to `Person` because undefined [1] is incompatible with number [1] in property `age`. [incompatible-cast]12:1-12:1: Cannot cast `c` to `Person` because undefined [1] is incompatible with string [1] in property `name`. [incompatible-cast]
1type AllRequired = [number, string];2[] as Partial<AllRequired>; // OK: like `[a?: number, b?: string]` now
由於可變性,無法將類型為 T
的物件或元組提供給 Partial<T>
。您可以透過將物件設為 唯讀 來解決此問題。
1type Person = {2 name: string,3 age: number,4};5
6const person: Person = {name: 'George', age: 123};7
8function noPerson(o: Partial<Person>) {9 // Can mutate:10 o.name = undefined;11}12noPerson(person); // Error! 13
14function okPerson(o: $ReadOnly<Partial<Person>>) {15 // Can't mutate - it's read-only!16}17okPerson(person); // Works
12:10-12:15: Cannot call `noPerson` with `person` bound to `o` because undefined [1] is incompatible with number [1] in property `age`. This property is invariantly typed. See https://flow.dev.org.tw/en/docs/faq/#why-cant-i-pass-a-string-to-a-function-that-takes-a-string-number. [incompatible-call]12:10-12:15: Cannot call `noPerson` with `person` bound to `o` because undefined [1] is incompatible with string [1] in property `name`. This property is invariantly typed. See https://flow.dev.org.tw/en/docs/faq/#why-cant-i-pass-a-string-to-a-function-that-takes-a-string-number. [incompatible-call]
注意:在 Flow 版本 0.201 之前,此公用程式類型稱為 $Partial
公用程式類型與 Partial
自 Flow ≥0.212 以來,它也會將元組類型的所有元素轉換為 必要 元素。
1type PartialPerson = {2 name?: string,3 age?: number,4};5type Person = Required<PartialPerson>;6// Above equivalent to `{name: string, age: number}`7
8const a: Person = {name: 'George', age: 123}; // OK9const b: Person = {age: 123}; // ERROR: missing `name` property
9:19-9:28: Cannot assign object literal to `b` because property `name` is missing in object literal [1] but exists in `PartialPerson` [2]. [prop-missing]
1type AllOptional = [a?: number, b?: string];2[] as Required<AllOptional>; // ERROR: like `[a: number, b: string]` now
2:1-2:2: Cannot cast array literal to required of `AllOptional` because empty array literal [1] has 0 elements but `AllOptional` [2] has 2 elements. [invalid-tuple-arity]
1declare function f(s: string, n: number): boolean;2type Bool = ReturnType<typeof f>;3true as Bool;41 as Bool; // Error: number is not boolean
4:1-4:1: Cannot cast `1` to `Bool` because number [1] is incompatible with boolean [2]. [incompatible-cast]
此公用程式類型會將指定函式類型中的參數類型萃取至 元組類型 中。
1declare function f(s: string, n: number): boolean;2type Tuple = Parameters<typeof f>; // Evaluates to [string, number]3's' as Tuple[0];41 as Tuple[1];5false as Tuple[2]; // Error: tuple type only has two elements
5:16-5:16: Cannot access number literal `2` on `Tuple` because tuple type [1] only has 2 elements, so index 2 is out of bounds. [invalid-tuple-index]
Exclude<T, U>
此公用程式類型會從 T
中排除 U
1type T = Exclude<1 | 2 | 3 | 4, 1 | 3>; // evaluates to 2 | 421 as T; // error 32 as T; // ok43 as T; // error 54 as T; // ok
2:1-2:1: Cannot cast `1` to `T` because number [1] is incompatible with literal union [2]. [incompatible-cast]4:1-4:1: Cannot cast `3` to `T` because number [1] is incompatible with literal union [2]. [incompatible-cast]
Extract<T, U>
此公用程式類型只保留 T
中 U
1declare class Car {}2declare class Animal {}3declare class Dog extends Animal {}4declare class Cat extends Animal {}5type T = Extract<Car | Dog | Cat, Animal>; // evaluates to Dog | Cat6new Car() as T; // error 7new Dog() as T; // ok8new Cat() as T; // ok
6:1-6:9: Cannot cast `new Car()` to `T` because: [incompatible-cast] Either `Car` [1] is incompatible with `Dog` [2]. Or `Car` [1] is incompatible with `Cat` [3].
此公用程式類型會萃取指定函式類型中 this
1type T = ThisParameterType<(this: number, bar: string) => void>; // Evaluates to number2'1' as T; // error 32 as T; // ok
2:1-2:3: Cannot cast `'1'` to `T` because string [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-cast]
此公用程式類型會從指定的函式類型中移除 this
1type HasThisParamFun = (this: number, bar: string) => void;2type NoThisParamFun = OmitThisParameter<HasThisParamFun> // Evaluates to (bar: string) => void3declare const hasThisParam: HasThisParamFun;4declare const noThisParam: NoThisParamFun;5
6hasThisParam(''); // error: global object is not number 7noThisParam(''); // ok: no this type requirement
6:1-6:12: Cannot call `hasThisParam` because global object [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-call]
Pick<O, Keys>
1type O = {foo: number, bar: string, baz: boolean};2type FooAndBar = Pick<O, 'foo' | 'bar'>;3
4declare const fooAndBar: FooAndBar;5fooAndBar.baz; // error: baz is missing 6fooAndBar.foo as number; // ok7fooAndBar.bar as string; // ok
5:11-5:13: Cannot get `fooAndBar.baz` because property `baz` (did you mean `bar`?) is missing in `Pick` [1]. [prop-missing]
Omit<O, Keys>
1type O = {foo: number, bar: string, baz: boolean};2type JustBaz= Omit<O, 'foo' | 'bar'>;3
4declare const justBaz: JustBaz;5justBaz.baz as boolean; // ok6justBaz.foo; // error: missing foo 7justBaz.bar; // error: missing bar
6:9-6:11: Cannot get `justBaz.foo` because property `foo` is missing in `Pick` [1]. [prop-missing]7:9-7:11: Cannot get `justBaz.bar` because property `bar` (did you mean `baz`?) is missing in `Pick` [1]. [prop-missing]
Record<Keys, Type>
此工具類型允許您從具有給定 Type
的鍵聯合產生一個物件類型,每個欄位都具有該 Type
1type NumberRecord = Record<'foo' | 'bar', number>;2declare const numberRecord: NumberRecord;3numberRecord.foo as number; // ok4numberRecord.bar as number; // ok5numberRecord.baz; // error
5:14-5:16: Cannot get `numberRecord.baz` because property `baz` (did you mean `bar`?) is missing in `Record` [1]. [prop-missing]
請注意 Record
1type NumberRecord = Record<'foo' | 'bar', number>;2type IndexedObject = {['foo' | 'bar']: number};3
4// Record uses explicit fields, which means they are all required5const rec: Record = {}; // error 6// Indexers do not have this same requirement7const idx: IndexedObject = {}; // no error
5:12-5:17: Cannot use `Record` [1] without 2 type arguments. [missing-type-arg]
您可以使用 $Exact
1type InexactUser = {name: string, ...};2type ExactUser = $Exact<InexactUser>;3
4const user = {name: 'John Wilkes Booth'};5// These will both be satisfied because they are equivalent:6const a: ExactUser = user;7const b: {name: string} = user;
1type ExactUser = {name: string};2type InexactUser = {...ExactUser, ...};3
4const user = {name: 'John Wilkes Booth'};5const a: ExactUser = user;
$Diff<A, B>
正如名稱所暗示的,$Diff<A, B>
是代表 A
和 B
的集合差的類型,亦即 A \ B
,其中 A
和 B
1type Props = {name: string, age: number, ...};2type DefaultProps = {age: number};3type RequiredProps = $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>;4
5function setProps(props: RequiredProps) {6 // ...7}8
9setProps({name: 'foo'}); // Works10setProps({name: 'foo', age: 42, baz: false}); // Works, you can pass extra props too11setProps({age: 42}); // Error! `name` is required
11:10-11:18: Cannot call `setProps` with object literal bound to `props` because property `name` is missing in object literal [1] but exists in `Props` [2]. [prop-missing]
正是 React 定義檔用來定義 React 元件所接受的道具類型的內容。
請注意,如果您移除屬性的物件沒有您要移除的屬性,則 $Diff<A, B>
會出錯,亦即如果 B
有 A
1type Props = {name: string, age: number};2type DefaultProps = {age: number, other: string};3type RequiredProps = $Diff<Props, DefaultProps>; // Error! 4
5function setProps(props: RequiredProps) {6 props.name;7 // ...8}
3:28-3:32: Cannot instantiate `$Diff` because undefined property `other` [1] is incompatible with string [2]. [incompatible-type]
作為解決方法,您可以將 A
1type A = $Diff<{}, {nope: number}>; // Error! 2type B = $Diff<{}, {nope: number | void}>; // Works3
4const a: A = {};5const b: B = {};
1:16-1:17: Cannot instantiate `$Diff` because undefined property `nope` [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-type]
$Rest<A, B>
$Rest<A, B>
是表示執行時期物件剩餘運算的類型,例如:const {foo, ...rest} = obj
,其中 A
和 B
都是 物件類型。此運算產生的類型將會是包含 A
的自有屬性(不是 B
中的自有屬性)的物件類型。在 Flow 中,我們將 精確物件類型 上的所有屬性都視為 自有 屬性。對於不精確物件,屬性可能是自有的,也可能不是自有的。
1type Props = {name: string, age: number};2
3const props: Props = {name: 'Jon', age: 42};4const {age, ...otherProps} = props;5otherProps as $Rest<Props, {age: number}>;6otherProps.age; // Error!
6:12-6:14: Cannot get `otherProps.age` because property `age` is missing in rest of object pattern [1]. [prop-missing]
與 $Diff<A, B>
的主要差異在於,$Rest<A, B>
旨在表示真實的執行時期剩餘運算,這表示精確物件類型在 $Rest<A, B>
中的處理方式不同。例如,$Rest<{n: number}, {...}>
會產生 {n?: number}
,因為不精確的空物件可能有一個 n
屬性,而 $Diff<{n: number}, {...}>
會產生 {n: number}
會將類型 T
轉換為非 Maybe 類型。換句話說,$NonMaybeType<T>
的值就是 T
的值,但排除 null
和 undefined
1type MaybeName = ?string;2type Name = $NonMaybeType<MaybeName>;3
4'Gabriel' as MaybeName; // Works5null as MaybeName; // Works6'Gabriel' as Name; // Works7null as Name; // Error! `null` can't be annotated as Name because Name is not a maybe type
7:1-7:4: Cannot cast `null` to `Name` because null [1] is incompatible with string [2]. [incompatible-cast]
是 $ObjMapi<Obj, F>
的特殊情況,其中 F
是身分函數類型,即 <K>(K) => K
。換句話說,它會將物件的每個屬性都對應到屬性金鑰的類型。您可以寫 $KeyMirror<Obj>
,而不是寫 $ObjMapi<Obj, <K>(K) => K>
1const obj = {2 a: true,3 b: 'foo'4};5
6declare function run<O: {...}>(o: O): $KeyMirror<O>;7
8// newObj is of type {a: 'a', b: 'b'}9const newObj = run(obj);10
11newObj.a as 'a'; // Works12newObj.b as 'a'; // Error! String 'b' is incompatible with 'a'
12:1-12:8: Cannot cast `newObj.b` to string literal `a` because string literal `b` [1] is incompatible with string literal `a` [2]. [incompatible-cast]
提示:如果可以的話,優先使用 $KeyMirror
而不是 $ObjMapi
,以修正特定類型的 [invalid-exported-annotation]
$TupleMap<T, F>
$TupleMap<T, F>
會採用一個可迭代類型 T
或 Array
)和一個 函數類型 F
,然後傳回可迭代類型,該類型是透過將可迭代中每個值的類型對應到提供的函數類型 F
而取得的。這類似於 JavaScript 函數 map
遵循我們在 $ObjMap<T>
中的範例,假設 run
1// Function type that takes a `() => V` and returns a `V` (its return type)2type ExtractReturnType = <V>(() => V) => V3
4function run<A, I: Array<() => A>>(iter: I): $TupleMap<I, ExtractReturnType> {5 return iter.map(fn => fn());6}7
8const arr = [() => 'foo', () => 'bar'];9run(arr)[0] as string; // Works10run(arr)[1] as string; // Works11run(arr)[1] as boolean; // Error!
11:1-11:11: Cannot cast `run(...)[1]` to boolean because string [1] is incompatible with boolean [2]. [incompatible-cast]
給定一個代表類別 C
的實例的類型 T
,類型 Class<T>
是類別 C
1class Store {}2class ExtendedStore extends Store {}3class Model {}4
5function makeStore(storeClass: Class<Store>) {6 return new storeClass();7}8
9makeStore(Store) as Store;10makeStore(ExtendedStore) as Store;11makeStore(Model) as Model; // Error!
11:1-11:16: Cannot cast `makeStore(...)` to `Model` because `Store` [1] is incompatible with `Model` [2]. [incompatible-cast]11:11-11:15: Cannot call `makeStore` with `Model` bound to `storeClass` because `Model` [1] is incompatible with `Store` [2]. [incompatible-call]
1class ParamStore<T> {2 constructor(data: T) {}3}4
5function makeParamStore<T>(storeClass: Class<ParamStore<T>>, data: T): ParamStore<T> {6 return new storeClass(data);7}8makeParamStore(ParamStore, 1) as ParamStore<number>;9makeParamStore(ParamStore, 1) as ParamStore<boolean>; // Error!
9:28-9:28: Cannot call `makeParamStore` with `1` bound to `data` because number [1] is incompatible with boolean [2]. [incompatible-call]
import typeof * as T from 'my-module';
type T = $Exports<'my-module'>;
語法的優點是您可以在同一行上 export
export type T = $Exports<'my-module'>;
而您在其他情況下需要在 import typeof
import typeof * as T from 'my-module';
export type MyModuleType = T;
$PropertyType<T, k>
警告: $PropertyType
已於 Flow 版本 0.155 中棄用,並將在未來的 Flow 版本中移除。
$PropertyType<T, 'k'>
等同於 T['k']
$ElementType<T, K>
警告: $ElementType
已於 Flow 版本 0.155 中棄用,並將在未來的 Flow 版本中移除。
$ElementType<T, K>
等同於 T[K]
Partial 的前別名。支援已於版本 0.203 中移除。
注意:已棄用!此公用程式不安全 - 請使用上面說明的 Partial
類型的變數,其中 T
是某個物件類型,可以指定包含 T
中包含的屬性子集的物件 o
。對於 T
的每個屬性 p: S
中 p
的潛在繫結類型必須與 S
1type Person = {2 age: number,3 name: string,4};5// $FlowIgnore[deprecated-utility]6type PersonDetails = $Shape<Person>;7
8const person1: Person = {age: 28}; // ERROR: missing `name` 9const person2: Person = {name: 'a'}; // ERROR: missing `age` 10const person3: PersonDetails = {age: 28}; // OK11const person4: PersonDetails = {name: 'a'}; // OK12const person5: PersonDetails = {age: 28, name: 'a'}; // OK13const person6: PersonDetails = {age: '28'}; // ERROR: string is incompatible with number
8:25-8:33: Cannot assign object literal to `person1` because property `name` is missing in object literal [1] but exists in `Person` [2]. [prop-missing]9:25-9:35: Cannot assign object literal to `person2` because property `age` is missing in object literal [1] but exists in `Person` [2]. [prop-missing]
不等於所有欄位標記為選用的 T
。特別是,Flow 不合理地允許 $Shape<T>
在多個內容中用作 T
const personShape: PersonDetails = {age: 28};
personShape as Person;
Flow 將不合理地允許最後一次轉型成功。
function f<T>(input: $Shape<T>): $Shape<T> {
return input; // ERROR: `T` is incompatible with `$Shape` of `T`
此實用程式類型已過時,未來將刪除 - 請改用 Partial
$Call<F, T...>
注意:已過時!此實用程式自 Flow 版本 0.208 起已過時 - 請改用 條件類型 或 索引存取類型 來擷取類型。
$Call<F, T...>
是一種類型,用於表示呼叫給定 函式類型 F
的結果,其中有 0 個或更多個引數 T...
。這類似於在執行時期呼叫函式(更具體地說,它類似於呼叫 Function.prototype.call
1// Takes an object type, returns the type of its `prop` key2type ExtractPropType = <T>({prop: T, ...}) => T;3type Obj = {prop: number};4type PropType = $Call<ExtractPropType, Obj>; // Call `ExtractPropType` with `Obj` as an argument5type Nope = $Call<ExtractPropType, {nope: number}>; // Error! Argument doesn't match `Obj`. 6
75 as PropType; // Works8true as PropType; // Error! PropType is a number
5:36-5:49: Cannot instantiate `$Call` because property `prop` is missing in object type [1] but exists in object type [2] in the first argument. [prop-missing]8:1-8:4: Cannot cast `true` to `PropType` because boolean [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-cast]
1// Takes a function type, and returns its return type2type ExtractReturnType = <R>(() => R) => R;3type Fn = () => number;4type ReturnType = $Call<ExtractReturnType, Fn>;5
65 as ReturnType; // Works7true as ReturnType; // Error! ReturnType is a number
7:1-7:4: Cannot cast `true` to `ReturnType` because boolean [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-cast]
1// Getting return types:2function getFirstValue<V>(map: Map<string, V>): ?V {3 for (const [key, value] of map.entries()) {4 return value;5 }6 return null;7}8
9// Using $Call, we can get the actual return type of the function above:10type Value = $Call<typeof getFirstValue, Map<string, number>>;11
125 as Value;13true as Value; // Error! Value is a `number` 14
15// We could generalize it further:16type GetMapValue<M> =17 $Call<typeof getFirstValue, M>;18
195 as GetMapValue<Map<string, number>>;20true as GetMapValue<Map<string, boolean>>;21true as GetMapValue<Map<string, number>>; // Error! value is a `number`
13:1-13:4: Cannot cast `true` to `Value` because boolean [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-cast]21:1-21:4: Cannot cast `true` to `GetMapValue` because boolean [1] is incompatible with number [2]. [incompatible-cast]
$ObjMap<T, F>
注意:已過時!此實用程式自 Flow 版本 0.211 起已過時 - 請改用 對應類型。
ObjMap<T, F>
會取得 物件類型 T
和 函式類型 F
,並傳回透過使用提供的函式類型 F
會(在類型層級)對 T
中每個屬性值類型呼叫 (at the type level) 給定的函式類型 F
讓我們看一個範例。假設你有一個名為 run
的函式,它接收一個 thunk 的物件(函式形式為 () => A
1function run<O: {[key: string]: (...$ReadOnlyArray<mixed>) => mixed}>(o: O): $FlowFixMe {2 return Object.keys(o).reduce<{[string]: (...$ReadOnlyArray<mixed>) => mixed}>(3 (acc, k) => ({...acc, [(k: string)]: o[k]()}),4 {},5 );6}
這個函式的目的是執行所有 thunk 並傳回一個由值組成的物件。這個函式的傳回類型是什麼?
這時 ObjMap<T, F>
1// let's write a function type that takes a `() => V` and returns a `V` (its return type)2type ExtractReturnType = <V>(() => V) => V;3
4declare function run<O: {[key: string]: (...$ReadOnlyArray<mixed>) => mixed}>(o: O): $ObjMap<O, ExtractReturnType>;5
6const o = {7 a: () => true,8 b: () => 'foo'9};10
11run(o).a as boolean; // Works12run(o).b as string; // Works13run(o).b as boolean; // Error! `b` is a string 14run(o).c; // Error! `c` was not in the original object
13:1-13:8: Cannot cast `run(...).b` to boolean because string [1] is incompatible with boolean [2]. [incompatible-cast]14:8-14:8: Cannot get `run(...).c` because property `c` is missing in object type [1]. [prop-missing]
這對於表達處理物件值的函式的傳回類型非常有用。你可以使用類似的做法(例如)提供 bluebird 的 Promise.props
函式的傳回類型,它就像 Promise.all
1declare function props<A, O: {[key: string]: A}>(promises: O): Promise<$ObjMap<O, typeof $await>>;2
3const promises = {a: Promise.resolve(42)};4props(promises).then(o => {5 o.a as 42; // Works6 o.a as 43; // Error! Flow knows it's 42 7});
6:3-6:5: Cannot cast `o.a` to number literal `43` because number [1] is incompatible with number literal `43` [2]. [incompatible-cast]
$ObjMapi<T, F>
注意:已過時!此實用程式自 Flow 版本 0.211 起已過時 - 請改用 對應類型。
ObjMapi<T, F>
類似於 ObjMap<T, F>
。不同之處在於函式類型 F
會使用物件類型 T
的元素的鍵和值類型(而不仅仅是值類型)來 呼叫。例如
1const o = {2 a: () => true,3 b: () => 'foo'4};5
6type ExtractReturnObjectType = <K, V>(K, () => V) => { k: K, v: V };7
8declare function run<O: {...}>(o: O): $ObjMapi<O, ExtractReturnObjectType>;9
10run(o).a as {k: 'a', v: boolean}; // Works11run(o).b as {k: 'b', v: string}; // Works12run(o).a as {k: 'b', v: boolean}; // Error! `a.k` is "a" 13run(o).b as {k: 'b', v: number}; // Error! `b.v` is a string 14run(o).c; // Error! `c` was not in the original object
12:1-12:8: Cannot cast `run(...).a` to object type because string literal `a` [1] is incompatible with string literal `b` [2] in property `k`. [incompatible-cast]13:1-13:8: Cannot cast `run(...).b` to object type because string [1] is incompatible with number [2] in property `v`. [incompatible-cast]14:8-14:8: Cannot get `run(...).c` because property `c` is missing in object type [1]. [prop-missing]
$ObjMapConst<O, T>
注意:已過時!此實用程式自 Flow 版本 0.211 起已過時 - 請改用 對應類型。
$ObjMapConst<Obj, T>
是 $ObjMap<Obj, F>
的特殊情況,其中 F
是常數函式類型,例如 () => T
。你可以寫 $ObjMapConst<Obj, T>
,而不是寫 $ObjMap<Obj, () => T>
1const obj = {2 a: true,3 b: 'foo'4};5
6declare function run<O: {...}>(o: O): $ObjMapConst<O, number>;7
8// newObj is of type {a: number, b: number}9const newObj = run(obj);10
11newObj.a as number; // Works12newObj.b as string; // Error! Property `b` is a number
12:1-12:8: Cannot cast `newObj.b` to string because number [1] is incompatible with string [2]. [incompatible-cast]
提示:優先使用 $ObjMapConst
而不是 $ObjMap
(如果可能)來修正特定類型的 [invalid-exported-annotation]